Cocoonjs is down right terrible for ouya

5fps.... Do I need to say more... because apparently the fokes at ludie consider that a upgraded experience with many improvements. Also all the same bugs are still there, NONE of them have been fixed like they claimed to have....
Looks like there will be delays with the ouya release of this patch.... Looks like I am either going to either end up quiting on ouya or I am going to need to look for something else.... in the mean time I think I will just port it around... fuck cocoonjs, I'm tired of submitting bugs for them and them never testing if they work. They still have gamepad issues, even after I have reported them all, and they claimed it was fixed. They just don't test anything, but claim to support them.... No matter what I do in this situation I am pretty much screwed, the newest update heavily depends on webgl, and cocoonjs does "support it" but it is crap for support the frame rate lowers sooo god damn much with the more webgl things you have. The main menu is made up of about 15 objects, 6 of which have webgl effects, just to apply a color when not selected. It really isn't much, if you look at it...

My recomendation stay the hell away from cocoonjs if you want to make a game for ouya, I have gave it a chance for over a year. Wasting nearly a damn year of my life just trying to get my games to work on ouya with cocoonjs's export system which  they have claimed to support for a very long time. Really it is all bullshit, they used their old android compiler that had a lot of problems, and kept in random stuff, and really noting works with it. Their gamepad support is a joke, on release doesn't work with it, and half the time it doesn't register input, if you press the system button it doesn't pause instead it just ignores all your inputs because it tries to bring up a menu system that they took out of the ouya compiler for some reason.  These are all issues I have contacted ludia about privately and openly for a very long time, none of which was resolved or fixed. They ignore the problems developers are having, for instance they have a strobing splash screen for their logo when ever your cocoonjs game loads up. This is very very bad, I get complaints all the time, saying what am I trying to give them a seizure... I have and many others have complained about this.... Ludia isn't listening.... I'm not sure what their motivations are even.

We have to push for efforts of a chromium wrapper if we want construct 2 support on ouya....
