Ouya Release is near

For the last several months I have been working on and improving on this game from its orignal release on windows 8 store. It is finally ready for release for the most part. The only thing left to do is make it through the Ouya publishing process, and from there several updates after words.

This is the point of this blog. To inform the users, and show off this game I have worked so hard on, and keep people up to date with its development process. Any and all input is much appreachated so long as it helps. If anyone has any questions about developing, or publishing to Ouya I would gladly reply as best as I can. For those looking forward to this game on ouya, it will be the most up to date version of the game for some time.

Latter on I will try to update the googleplay version maybe, and possibly release it for PC(windows/linux maybe BSD). I hope all my plans for this game come true in the up coming months, but I also hope to work on other projects as well.

 As soon as the Ouya Version becomes available you can download it here :

 In the mean time I am going to try to improve this blog, if you like the blogs here maybe try out my main blog : http://undeadbobop.blogspot.com/ I review games, share my thoughts, ideas, and things that go on in my personal life from time to time there.


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